Publisher Integration - SinglePlatform Integration Summary - SPv2

Publisher Integration - SinglePlatform Integration Summary - SPv2

This documentation is obsolete. Please see updated documentation at http://docs.singleplatform.com/spv2/integration-summary/

Partner Agreement Considerations

SinglePlatform's agreement with our partners requires all publishers to update SinglePlatform's data every 24 hours. To do this, our partners make use of our updatedSince parameter in our Search API.

By passing in, as a search parameter, the updatedSince date tag of the previous day, you will be returned a list of all SinglePlatform IDs that have been added or updated in that time period.

  • If the SinglePlatform ID returned to you has already been mapped on your side, then we require that you re-ingest and update the existing data for that location and its menu.
  • If the SinglePlatform ID returned to you has not been mapped on your side, then we require that you map it to an existing location in your database and ingest the location/menu data accordingly.
  • If the SinglePlatform ID returned to you has not been mapped on your side, and you are unable to find a match in your database, then we require that you add the location to your database and ingest the location/menu data accordingly. 

Matt Doumar (mdoumar@singleplatform.com), our product lead, will be available to work with our partners' dev teams to ensure the process of matching / updating / adding locations is as straightforward as possible and in compliance with SinglePlatform's partner agreement.

Integration Summary

Following are the available methods of integration with SinglePlatform web services.

Accessing Data

There is one way to access our data:

  1. REST API: A publisher REST API exposes location and other information

Menus Integration

Integration of our full-site menus is done in one of the following ways:

  1. JavaScript API: A JavaScript API that inserts menus directly into a div element on the location page
    • This is the current standard way of doing website mashups / integrations. The user stays on the publisher site using this method of integration.
  2. REST API: Publisher can display real-time menu content by displaying SinglePlatform's JSON data directly from the side of the publisher.
    • To do this, every service call to retrieve a data point will need to come through the REST API. The publisher will make a server side request for JSON from SinglePlatform, which can be parsed/formatted on the publisher's side and served to the client from the publisher.
    • This works with REST API data integration method
    • This method would miss functionality we add around menus, such as item likes, item out-of-date, chef's choice items, daily/weekly specials, and our "Suggest a Change to this Menu" feedback loop.

API End Points

The base URI to use for the REST API is:

The base URI to use for the JavaScript API is:

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